Last Revised: 3/20/2023



Welcome to Hostrings! This Universal Terms of Service Agreement (referred to as “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you and, LLC, HOSTRINGS Payments, LLC (for payment services), and Poynt, LLC (for hardware services) (“HOSTRINGS”). This Agreement becomes effective on the date of your use of this website (“Site”) or the date of electronic acceptance.

By using the Site and any products or services accessed or purchased through it (collectively referred to as the “Services”), you agree to the general terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Some Services have additional policies and Service Agreements that are supplementary to, not substitutes for, this Agreement. If any conflict arises between the provisions of a Services Agreement and those of this Agreement, the provisions of the applicable Services Agreement shall control.

Website Backup Policy

Upon completion of your website, we will provide a full backup of your static website. The backup data for your dynamic website is stored in your web hosting account. It is your responsibility to download and store the backup file to prevent any data loss in any case. Although regular backups will be performed, HOSTRINGS will not be held responsible for any loss of data. It is up to your hosting account to ensure that you maintain a local copy of your web data for your own backup purposes.

Backup Policy

You can keep only one backup at a time in your individual account for up to 3 days. We will delete any backup that is older than 3 days. It is your responsibility to download the backup file within 3 days to prevent data loss.

Acceptable Use Policy

The internet is a powerful tool for information and entertainment, and we expect our customers to use it with respect, courtesy, and responsibility, while giving due regard to the rights of other internet users. Our acceptable use policy is strictly enforced. We remove offending content or users from our network as soon as they are discovered, and we will always inform you when and why any action has been taken. Common sense should guide what constitutes acceptable use, but the following are unacceptable uses:


Any form of illegality, including but not limited to unauthorized distribution or copying of copyrighted software or other data, harassment, fraud, or trafficking in obscene material.

Undesirable Content

We do not host pornographic content of any description, and we reserve the right to determine what constitutes pornographic content and what does not. Content relating to Hacking, Cracking, Warez, and IRC is not allowed. Software downloads may only be hosted if you are the writer and copyright owner of the software, all other software including freeware, shareware, and trial software is forbidden. The sale of resalable eBooks is allowed.

Bulk Email

The use of our network to send bulk email, whether opt-in or otherwise, and the use of bulk email to promote a site on our network is strictly forbidden. As a guideline, we consider sending over 150 emails at once as bulk email.


Spamming, including sending unsolicited email or posting messages to irrelevant Usenet newsgroups that do not explicitly allow advertising with references to a site hosted on our servers, is strictly prohibited.

Misuse of Resources

This includes but is not limited to employing applications that consume excessive CPU time, memory, or storage space. Chat/IRC, web proxy, and mailing list scripts are not allowed on our network under any circumstances. Streaming media, audio, video, and shoutcast can be a drain on web server resources and is therefore not allowed. CGI-based message forums that use flat file databases are often found to use excessive system resources. To avoid disappointment, please use a PHP message forum. The use of webcam applications that maintain a constant FTP connection uploading an image at regular intervals is forbidden.

Shared and reseller hosting customers are not permitted to provide a free web site hosting service such as image hosting, file hosting, mp3 hosting, and any similar hosting service. Reseller customers are permitted to provide a charge for service web hosting service but are not permitted to provide any free web hosting service or similar service.

Password-Protected Directories

Shared and reseller hosting customers are not permitted to provide a free web site hosting service such as image hosting, file hosting, mp3 hosting, and any similar hosting service. Reseller customers are permitted to provide a charge for service web hosting service but are not permitted to provide any free web hosting service or similar service. The use of password-protected directories to conduct illegal activities is strictly prohibited. Sites that use password-protected directories where their use is not clear are subject to suspension


The prices and fees mentioned by us are subject to change without any prior notification or with notification, as we are not obliged to keep them constant since international currency rates fluctuate over time.

To commence work, no payment is due. However, 50% of the total payment will be charged once you approve the initial demonstration of the website. The remaining 50% will be charged after the completion of the work.

Please note that any advance payment made by you will not be refunded under any circumstances.

We assure you that there are no hidden or additional charges apart from what has been agreed upon.

We adhere to a fair usage policy.


As the products we offer on this platform are digital goods, they are not eligible for traditional returns. However, we may be able to provide a refund if the item has not yet been downloaded. Before making a purchase, please review the demo we offer and carefully read the terms and conditions we have outlined to ensure you are fully informed.